-Mahatma Gandhi
Here is few hungering salmons, swimming along the mid sea of world wide web.
FISH, NOT SATISFIED WITH THE STATUS QUO; with being fed half-truths from the sarroundings. Fish, wanting to go back to the truth, trying to ferret the niche of truth from the depth and to spread...
It is simpler and more energy efficient to let the strength of the flow of water propel you than for you to expend the necessary energy and determination to swim against the flow.
The salmon run every year and We are fascinated by the determination and energy expended by these fish to swim to their goal,the spawning areas. Along the way they encounter many hazards and barriers: bear, birds of prey and other carnivores waiting to devour them,dams and other obstacles blocking their way, or even an over-abundance (or lack) of water-flow along the way that threatens to keep them from their goal.
Who the SALMON ?
When the whole world says: " it is... " they Do Not forget/lazy/fear to ask "Why it is...?"
When every one accept, thoughtlessly... No! they do not often reject. but, deliberately approach the probabilities!
When every one likes the rich and deceptive voice for peace... they like to shout for justice, regardless of where it will take them in their journey
Often, like a juggler, they might not be on the stage. but, work always behind... silently!
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