21 November 2009

25th Anniversary Bhopal Gas Tragedy 1984, 3 December 2009

Bhopal gas tragedy occurred on the night of 02/03 December 1984. However, neither the Government of India nor the Government of Madhya Pradesh seems to have drawn appropriate lessons from the gruesome tragedy. Instead, they have been pursuing such reckless policies that have the potential to create Bhopal-type situations at several places across the country

Invitation and appeal for funds

by Bhopal Gas Peedith Mahila Udyog Saghathan
Thursday 19 November 2009,

The 25 anniversary of the Bhopal gas tragedy, which occurred on the night of 02/03 December 1984, will be observed from 01 to 03 December 2009. However, neither the Government of India nor the Government of Madhya Pradesh seems to have drawn appropriate lessons from the gruesome tragedy. Instead, they have been pursuing such reckless policies that have the potential to create Bhopal-type situations at several places across the country. In fact, millions of citizens across the country have since been exposed to a verity of toxic substances at their place of work as well as from exposure to other hazardous materials that have been released into the environment by multinational companies and local industries.
It will not be exaggeration to say that these companies have been emboldened to act in such thoughtless manner because no action has been initiated against the culprits involved in the Bhopal gas tragedy in the last 25 years and there is no sign that any action would be initiated against them in the near future. Especially, the multinational companies seem to have drawn the inference that they can destroy the health and environment of this country without fear of being punished or ever held accountable in any way for their outrageous actions.
Even 25 years after the Bhopal disaster:
  • The culprits responsible for the crime are yet to be punished.
  • The gas-victims have not been awarded just compensation.
  • 6000 gas-victims continue to seek medical treatment for disaster-related ailments.
  • Scores of gas-victims continue to die due to lack of proper medical treatment.
  • Government’s financial rehabilitation program has almost come to an end.
  • No provision to provide pension to thousands of widows of gas-victims, orphans and other handicapped.
  • Under environmental rehabilitation programme, the Government has failed to provide safe drinking water, toilets or clean environment to the needy gas-victims.
  • Large quantities of toxic materials lying in and around the Carbide plant and toxic waste discharged into the Solar Evaporation Pond has leached into the ground and contaminated thousands of tones of soil and ground water near the plant in approximately 5 sq. km of area.
  • The plan for a memorial for the victims of the of tragedy is still on paper.
Even after 25 years, Bhopal is the worst example of black deeds of multinational companies and government’s irresponsibility towards citizens. For many of the gas-victims, the situation is not very different from the day of tragedy. Till date, neither proper compensation has been awarded nor have appropriate arrangements been made for their treatment and rehabilitation. More than 25 thousand gas victims have apparently died so far due to the toxic effects of the gases while more than three lakh victims have been issued health cards to enable them to get continuous treatment for various disaster-related ailments. Instead of attempting to medically, economically and socially rehabilitate the gas victims, the Central and State governments are working against their own people and defending the interests of Union Carbide.
Moreover, the 1989 Bhopal Settlement between the Union of India and Union Carbide was based on assumption that only 3000 gas-victims had died in the tragedy and another 1,02,000 had suffered injuries in varying degree. However, the Claims Courts established by the Welfare Commissioner, Bhopal, has determined that there were in all 574,367 gas-victims including dead, which effectively meant that the magnitude of the dead and injured was at least FIVE times more than what was assumed at the time of the Settlement.
Criminal cases against Union Carbide and its accused officials are proceeding at a snail’s space and it is still before the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Bhopal. Medical, economical and social rehabilitation work undertaken by the State and Central governments have been inadequate and far below the requirements.
Due to all these reasons BGPMUS has been continuously fighting for justice for the gas-victims for past 24 years. We are engaged in agitational work and as well as legal struggle in association with the Bhopal Gas Peedith Sangharsh Sahyog Samiti (BGPSSS) from the Supreme Court to the District Court. Now the legal struggle for enhancing compensation by a factor of FIVE has shifted to the Madhya Pradesh High Court at Jabalpur. BGPMUS needs at least Rupees Two Lakhs to organize 25 anniversary program and to carry on the legal struggle for justice.
BGPMUS, therefore, not only invites you to participate in the commemorative programme on the 25 anniversary of the Bhopal Gas Tragedy from 01 t0 03 December 2009 but also appeals to you for financial contributions to help us carry on our struggle.
You can help us by sending a bank draft or by sending a money order to the following address:
Abdul Jabbar
 Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Udhyog Sangathan
 51, Rajendra Nagar,
 Bhopal — 462010
 Telefax: 0755 2748688, 2730241
 Email : swabhimankandra@rediff.com
 Mobile: 9406511720
25th Anniversary Program:
 01.12.09: Poster / Photo Exhibition 02.12.09: A full day Seminar organized by Jan Sangharsh
 Morcha on Terror of Multinational Companies at
 Yadgar Shahjahani Park, Bhopal. 03. 12.09: A public meeting at 11 am at Yadgar Shahjahani Park (In front of Sultania Zanana Hospital)